Testy w kierunku Covid-19 zwalniające z kwarantanny [ENGLISH: Covid-19 test grants exemption from quarantine]
Od 29 czerwca obowiązuje modyfikacja zasad kwarantanny granicznej.
Modyfikacja wprowadza odmienne zasady zwalniania oraz skracania kwarantanny wjazdowej obowiązujące dla osób podróżujących z państw Unii Europejskiej/ze strefy Schengen, a inne dla osób przyjeżdzających z pozostałych państw świata (spoza Unii Europejskiej lub spoza Schengen). Dotyczy to również zasad zwalniania z kwarantanny dzieci do 12 r.ż.

Szczegółowe informacje na temat kwarantanny wjazdowej można sprawdzić na stronie: https://www.gov.pl/web/gis/szczepienie-i-test-a-zwolnienie-z-kwarantanny-wjazdowej
Badania w kierunku SARS-CoV-2 w placówkach DIAGNOSTYKI
Testy zwalniające z kwarantanny, zgodnie z najnowszymi zmianami, wykonujemy w bezpiecznych warunkach w naszych Punktach Pobrań.
Placówki, które pobierają materiał do testów met. RT-PCR i badań antygenowych dostępne są w Katalogu Punktów Pobrań: https://diag.pl/placowki/ po zaznaczeniu checkboxa z nazwą badania.
Badania w kierunku COVID-19 mogą wykonać nie tylko podróżujący, ale także osoby, które chciałyby sprawdzić, czy nie są zakażone koronawirusem.
Testy w kierunku SARS-CoV-2 dostępne są w e-Sklepie DIAGNOSTYKI.
Change of rules concerning quarantine after crossing the border from 29 June
Quarantine regulations for passengers arriving to Poland:
Rules for passengers arriving to Poland from the Schengen Area
- All travellers entering Poland are subject to 10 days quarantine
- Quarantine may be lifted on the basis of a negative PCR or antigen test result, performed within 48 hours of crossing the border
- Exemptions from the requirement to quarantine:
- Persons holding a negative PCR or antigen test result in Polish or English, carried out no more than 48 hours prior to entry.
- Persons vaccinated against COVID-19 with a vaccine that has been approved for marketing in the European Union. A period of at least 14 days must have elapsed since receiving the last vaccine dose.
- Children under 12 years of age who are travelling under the supervision of adults vaccinated against COVID19, or holding a negative result of a test for SARS-CoV-2, carried out no more than 48 hours prior to entry.
Rules for travellers from outside the Schengen Area
- All travellers entering Poland are subject to 10 days quarantine
Exemption from the quarantine based on the negative result of a test performed within 48 hours from arriving in Poland is not possible.
- Quarantine may be lifted on the basis of a negative PCR or antigen test result, carried out no earlier than 7 days after entry
- Exemptions from the requirement to quarantine:
- Persons vaccinated against COVID-19 with a vaccine that has been approved for marketing in the European Union. A period of at least 14 days must have elapsed since receiving the last vaccine dose.
- Persons who have completed their self-isolation at home, isolation or hospitalisation due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, no longer than 6 months prior to entry. In this case, relevant European Union Digital Certificate should be provided.
- Children under 12 years of age who are travelling under the supervision of adults vaccinated against COVID19.
- Persons who are only entering Poland for a period of up to 24 hours, and holding air ticket confirming departure from Poland within 24 hours.
SARS-CoV-2 testing in DIAGNOSTYKA facilities
Pursuant to the latest changes, we carry out tests granting exemption from quarantine in safe conditions of our Test Sites.
The list of sites which collect samples for RT-PCR tests and antigen tests is available in the Test Sites Catalogue: https://diag.pl/placowki/ after a box with the name of the test is checked.
Covid-19 tests are available not only to travellers, but also persons who would like to check whether they are infected with coronavirus.
SARS-CoV-2 tests are available in DIAGNOSTYKA’s e-Shop.